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Fisheries and Wildlife teaching assistant and bird banding assistant

I worked as a teaching and MAPS banding assistant from April 2011 to August 2011 and again from April 2012 to August 2012. In May 2016 to June 2016, I served as a TA once again. I was responsible for teaching college students floral, herpetological, avian, fish and mammalian identification. In addition, I aided in the insruction of biological field research techniques. I managed up to 47 students for 6 weeks in 4 courses. We began our studies at the coast of North Carolina for marine ecology, making our way back to the piedmont for weeks two, three, four, and five. During our time in Rougemont, we taught fisheries and willdife field research and ecology. For our last week we taught at Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the subject of Southern Appalachian mountain ecology. For the first two seasons, after the camp concluded, I continued to work every 10 days as a MAPS banding assistant. We followed program protocols and banded a large variety of songbirds.

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